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Tips Toilet Training ala Mamareta

Ketika Si Kecil hampir memasuki usia dua tahun, ada dua PR besar buat para mommies: Sapih dan Toilet Training (tapi gak semua gini ding, Mamareta-nya aja yang males especially buat PR kedua). Ada sih beberapa ibu yang mulai melatih anaknya TT sejak dini, dan dari pengalaman temen-temen sih the sooner the better. Tapi Mamareta udah niat banget kalo TT mau dimulai setelah Reta 2 tahun. PR pertama Alhamdulillah terlewati dengan kecenya (tipsnya udah pernah di share yak), nah sekarang mau sharing soal TT di Nduk Kecil - yang Alhamdulillah juga gak kalah kece dan bisa dibilang sukses dalam waktu kurang dari dua minggu. Puas banget rasanya dan sekarang dana buat beli pospak bisa buat belanja hihiii... Let's check this one out to know the tips of TT ala mamareta!
Source: Google
1. Siap mental dan fisik
Ini paling penting ya buibu, soalnya kalo gak siap nanti ada acara nyerah ditengah jalan yang mana bikin anak bingung dan gak bisa-bisa pipis sama pup di toilet (pengalaman tetangga sebelah sebut saja Bunga, dia TT udah mulai sejak lama jauh sebelum Nduk Kecil tapi sekarang masih belum sukses, soalnya masih maju mundur emaknya. Masih sering nyerah dan akhirnya dipakein pospak lagi, sayang kan mak.) Nduk Kecil juga 2 tahun lebih baru bisa mulai TT, soalnya pas dua tahun tu deket sama event lebaran yang mana harus mudik Jawa-Bali naik mobil, udah gak kebayang kalo lagi proses TT dan harus menempuh perjalanan seharian. Jadi ya ditunda deh TT nya. Fisik juga penting mom, pas awal TT kita harus sering-sering bawa si kecil ke toilet, jadi fisik harus kokoh tak tertandingi (udah kayak semen aja).

2. Timing
Cari timing yang tepat untuk memulai TT. Kenapa? Karena mengawali TT itu agak berat, jadi harus pas mood bagus, pas kerjaan gak banyak dan kalo bisa pas suami di rumah biar ada bala bantuan bawa si kecil ke toilet ato sekedar nungguin pas si kecil menuntaskan panggilan alamnya hehee. Nah kalo mamareta pilih mulai TT pas weekend, soalnya pada hari tersebut gak ada kejaran deadline dokumen jadi biar bisa fokus ke TT si Nduk Kecil dan suami juga di rumah.

3. TT Bertahap
Mommies pada setuju kan kalo anak kita itu biar masih kecil tapi pinter? Setuju dong, nah tapi biarpun mereka pinter cara mereka belajar sesuatu harus pelan-pelan dan bertahap. Sama juga dengan TT, biar gak kaget dan sukses gemilang berjaya. Karena Nduk Kecil full pake pospak sejak usia 4 bulan sampe hampir dua tahun (monggo yang mau nyinyir haha) jadi harus bertahap dia lepas pospak biar gak kaget. Hari pertama tu habis mandi pagi masih pake pospak sampe habis tidur siang, baru deh habis mandi sore pospaknya dilepas. Kalo udah gak pake pospak harus sering-sering diingetin buat pipis atau diajak ke toilet, dari sini kita jadi tau jadwal pipis atau pup si kecil ya. Hari ketiga udah mulai lepas pospak full dari pagi, pakenya cuma pas bobo siang sama bobo malem aja. Tapi biar udah pake pospak tetep ingetin si kecil buat pipis atau pup di toilet ya, gak boleh males pokoknya kalo udah terlanjur mulai TT biar sukses dan anak gak bingung. Alhamdulillah setelah drama ngompol dimana-mana, pup di celana dan ngomel-ngomel gak karuan (yang ini jangan ditiru ya, emang mamareta gak sabaran sih, huft) akhirnya sekarang Nduk Kecil selalu bilang tiap mau pipis atau pup. Dan kalo bobo siang atau malem dia juga tetep bilang (pernah jam 2 sama jam 4 pagi minta pipis ke toilet, silahkan bayangin kita pas lagi ngantuk-ngantuknya harus anter anak pipis di toilet. Berat emang, tapi kudu semangat kan itu tandanya si kecil udah berhasil TT nya), jadi pospak tetep kering pas bangun tidur. Tapi ya kadang masih kecolongan basah-basah dikit lah. 

4. Peralatan tempur menghadapi TT

KANEBO: buat ngelap ompol biar cepet terserap dan kering, jadi gak khawatir bakal kepleset lantai basah habis ngepel ompol ya. Mamareta gak suka ribet, kalo harus ambil pel tiap ngompol beuh... keweh! (baca: ribet)
SEMPROTAN ISI AIR SABUN/ PEMBERSIH LANTAI: jadi sehabis ngompol langsung lap pake kanebo sampe bersih, cuci kanebo trus semprotin air sabun ke bekas ompol tadi dan terakhir lap lagi pake kanebo sampe bersih dan kering. Insyaallah bersih dari najis dan bau pesing \^o^/
EMBER/ BASKOM: seperti yang dibilang tadi, mamareta gak suka ribet jadi celana atau baju kotor yang kena ompol atau pup dibersihin dulu pake air sampe bekasnya bersih, trus rendam di deterjen di ember ato di baskomnya kalo cucian cuma dikit. Baru deh nanti sore dicuci sambil mandi (atau kapanpun anda sempat), jadi gak ada tu acara nyuci ompol atau bekas pup berkali-kali (khusus pup bersihin sebersih-bersihnya lho sebelum direndem).
Trik tambahan: ganti karpet main si kecil dengan alas yang gampang dicuci dan tahan air, biar gak riweh harus jemur karpet tiap diompolin kan. Idup mamak-mamak udah berat, jangan dibikin tambah berat! (Ini mamareta serba simpel apa males kebangetan sih ya, haha). Yah, pokoknya itu lah kurang lebih yang mamareta siapin biar gak stress hehe...

5. Peka nangkep sinyal
Sinyal disini maksudnya sinyal cinta eh, sinyal kalo si kecil mau pipis atau pup. Gunakan insting keibuan kita (cielah) buat ngapalin kapan si kecil mau pup atau berapa lama jarak waktu si kecil bisa nahan pipisnya. Kan dulu pernah baca-baca di artikel atau saran mahmud yang udah duluan TT anaknya dibawa ke toilet tiap jam, itu gak berlaku buat Nduk Kecil ku. Yang ada dia malah ngambek mamanya berisik ngajak ke toilet mulu. Jadi diapalin aja kira-kira kapan dia mau pipis gitu. Kalo soal pup sih Nduk Kecil biasanya pagi gitu habis sarapan. Tapi sekarang no worries, udah bisa bilang kok (kibas rambut).

6. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar.
Ditulis sampe tiga kali soalnya mamareta paling gagal di sini. Padahal katanya kalo mamanya gak sabar nanti TT nya gagal, untung Nduk kecil berjiwa besar dan pemaaf, huft. Maafkan mamamu ya Nduk... Moms, sabar ya kalo anak butuh waktu lama di toilet, atau kadang gak pengen pipis tapi ngeyel mau stay di toilet dan harus ditungguin (dadah dadah cantik dulu sama kerjaan rumah), atau kebetulan pas pup agak susah dan jadinya malah rewel. Sabar pokoknya. Mamareta 60% sabar 40% ngomel, dan sering nyesel sendiri *sedih. Tapi tiap abis ngomel mamareta selalu minta maaf dan kasih pengertian terus biar dia ngerti tujuan dari TT ini, dan sujud syukur dia mengerti :') Tiap anak beda-beda ya mom, jadi ikuti aja ritme masing-masing anak. Kalo gak berhasi-hasil gimana dong? Ya... Sabar.

7. Siapin celana yang buanyak
Sebelum TT dimulai udah beli celana lusinan biar gak kehabisan hehe. Tapi malah gak seperti yang dibayangkan, TT Nduk Kecil gak seserem yang dibayangi kok. Dan sepanjang TT berjalan mamareta baru nyuci pup di celana cuma 3-4 kali aja, lainnya cuma ompol hihii... Jadi belum pernah ada cerita kehabisan stok celana. Buat jaga-jaga aja deh ya moms, daripada kekurangan terus gak pake celana kan. Bisa juga nih beliin celana dalem yang lucu nan unyu gambar favorit si kecil, nah kalo dia pup atau pipis bakalan gak rela gambar favoritnya jadi basah atau kena pup, dan ahirnya doi pun bilang ke mama. Eh tapi yang ini gak ngefek di Nduk Kecil, dia cuma bilang kasian ya basah. Trus diulangi lagi (-_-")

8. Potty Training
Kalo pake potty training harus rajin bersihin ya moms biar gak jorok :D

Ini sih optional ya mommies, Nduk Kecil punya potty training hadiah dari budhenya merk IK*A, tapi sampe sekarang baru kepake sekali buat pup (gara-gara toilet lagi dipake papanya, dan doi kebelet banget hehe) selebihnya cuma buat duduk pas main masak-masakan hoho. Kenapa gak pake potty training? Karena pas dicoba di kloset langsung Nduk Kecil udah bisa, jadi daripada nanti harus ngajari dari potty ke kloset mending sekalian aja dari awal kan. Tapi kalo mau pake potty training biar nyaman dan gampang buat si kecil gak ada salahnya kok. Bebas aja, gak usah dibawa ribet ye.

Nah itu dia tips dan trik TT ala mamareta. Sejauh ini 90% berhasil lah, cuma kadang-kadang aja kecolongan terutama kalo lagi asik mainan. But it's much better than before. Kalau pas bobo sampe sekarang masih dipakein pospak, cuma tetep ke toilet kalo mau pee or poop, pospak seringnya masih kering tapi ya kadang udah basah juga sih. Tar lah pelan-pelan lepas pospak pas bobo, sekarang masih belum siap jiwa raga kalo harus jemur kasur segede gaban tiap kena ompol hehee... Semoga bermanfaat yah!

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Exploring Western Part of Bali

"The world is a book and those who do not travel only read one page". 
(St Augustine) 

After posting the article about my trip from years ago, this time I'll share my latest trip to Western part of Bali Island. That place is  well-known as Menjangan Island, a small island in West Bali National Park. I have planned to visit this place long time ago with my great travel partners (hubby and my Nduk Kecil), but we haven't found the right time to get there. Once we had a long holiday we decided to take a trip to East Java (I'm gonna share this one too as soon as possible). 

We visited Menjangan Island on Eidul Adha day, we had no plan to go somewhere. But the previous day my hubby called me and asked me, "Do you agree if we go to Menjangan tomorrow after Eid prayer?" well it was just a rhetorical question, crystal clearly my answer would always be YES if it's about traveling, hehee... Actually it was my hubby's co-workers' idea, he asked some of the employees and I had no idea why my hubby asked me to join them. Later, I remembered it was my hubby's birthday. I swear I never forget about it but I didn't know how could I forget it this year? 

On the D day, we went to the city park to join the prayer but unfortunately we were late and we couldn't join the prayer *sigh*. We went home, had our breakfast and waited for the confirmation from hubby's co-workers. It has already 10 am when my hubby said he'd better to take a nap, well I had nothing to say. I hadn't prepared anything though. Then the message we were waiting for finally arrived. So I packed the bags and left. 

It took more or less 2 hours to reach the area of Menjangan, and it was too windy there. After taking care of the boat fee, snorkeling equipment, local guide and ticket, we crossed the sea for about 30 minutes and arrived in the snorkeling spot. The view was really good, we also had passed Pasir Putih beach (this one could be the spot to enjoy the beach for those who didn't visit Menjangan Island) and I could see the Menjangan Island from a distance. I even could see some Menjangan (a kind of deer) from the island near the snorkeling spot. The men jumped into the water to enjoy the view under the surface, but I just sat on the boat because I had to take care of my daughter. Hopefully we could visit this place again when she could join the snorkeling. And the worst part began, the boat was shaken by the wave and I began to get seasick. All I could do was lying down and hoping the men could end the snorkeling as soon as possible. Fortunately my hubby was always be ready to take care of our cutie pie. My suffering from seasick ended as soon as we continued the trip to reach the island. Oh, Thank God my vacation could be saved... 

In Menjangan Island we could enjoy the white sand beach and watched many fishes under the quay. The fishes were so beautiful and colorful, my Nduk Kecil and I were so happy and mesmerized  /^_^/

We left the island at 5 pm, and we continued to enjoy the sunset of Western Bali in Bali Tower Bistro. It was just 10 minutes to get there. And that place was really cool and great, but I was told that to enjoy the sunset or the view there we have to order the menu. And the price is a 'lil bit too much (it costed Idr. 50k for a medium glass of smoothies) wow! But I think it's worth it, the place was good, cozy and nice even the toilet was really clean and smelled good. 

To get the best view we had to go to the tower. It was really high and I wasn't dare to be there too long. Moreover my daughter was too excited and jumped here and there. I wonder how she wasn't afraid at all? 

Little Explorer 
We were finally back to Singaraja after dark and got there around 9 pm. It was a long,  tiring day but we were satisfied. So the best part of that day was: my Nduk Kecil was really happy and enjoyed the trip, and the worst part was: she started having fever when we arrived home (T_T). As I said before, this trip was unplanned so I didn't have time to search the reference about the destination. It was too windy especially when we were on the boat for more than an hour, and I didn't bring her jacket. I just covered her with a cloth and my scarf. 

But hey, even though she had fever she couldn't stop to talk about the boat, the sea, the deer and the fishes until the following day! She was happy and excited when talking about it. So I guess the fever was just the "price" to get the precious experience, hehee... That is why I am so glad to have great traveling partners like my daughter and my hubby. Stay healthy and I love you. Oh, happy birthday my hubby. God is really cool and kind, even though I forgot but we could celebrate it together in a good place :) 

PS: here is the price to rent the boat, snorkeling equipment and local guide. FYI. 
Local Ticket: IDR. 30.000/ person
Insurance: IDR. 4.000/ person
Boat: IDR. 525.000/ pack
Local Guide: IDR. 250.000/ pack
Snorkeling Equipment: IDR. 40.000/ set
Rescue: IDR. 5.000/ pack
Parking and Shower: IDR.  5.000/ pack

✔ For diving max. 6 persons (6 hours) 
✔ For snorkeling max. 10 persons (4 hours)
✔ For 3 times diving max. 4 persons 
If you need the contact person, please leave the comment :) 

Menjangan Island, August 22nd 2018

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Nonton di Bioskop sama Bayi? Why not!

Bawa bayi nonton di bioskop. Gak pernah kepikiran sebelumnya, sama sekali.

Tapi ibuk mertua cerita dulu pernah nonton sambil gendong anak sulungnya yg baru beberapa bulan (yes, that's right. The baby is my husband), waktu itu gak kepikiran macem-macem wong belum punya bayi dan cuma memaklumi hobi nonton sang mertua.

Dan sekarang, jeng jeng! Aku udah jadi ibu dan bayiku tak ajak nonton di bioskop, lol.  Mau dibilang nekat, ngawur, sembrono, gak sayang anak ato makian sadis lainnya monggo. Wes kadung, wes kedaden, wes kedarung (sudah terlanjur). Tapi nyatanya baby bakwanku baik-baik saja setelah nonton :)

Awalnya agak ragu sih, pas diajak nonton. Filmnya Beauty and the Beast - yang pengeeeeen banget tak tonton sejak kapan tau- ndilalah juga suka sama pemainnya (siapa? Gandalf!) ahirnya diiyain deh walopun dalam hati rada galo, cemas dan takut. Tapi untungnya sang pendamping hidup (halah) meyakinkan kalo nanti pas nonton si kecil kenapa-kenapa ato gak nyaman bawa keluar aja, tar dia yg nemenin. Lega rasanya :* walopun ada keselip pikiran 'eman-eman wes tuku tiket kok ora nonton tekan rampung' (sayang udah beli tiket kok gak nonton sampe abis) :D

Dan setelah browsing cari referensi sana sini ahirnya dapet semua alat tempur biar bayi tetep nyaman selama film diputer... Ya, kali aja ada ibu "nekat" yang hobi nonton dan kalo mau ajak bayi ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan nih...

Suara film yang super kuenceng. Yang pernah ke bioskop pasti paham lah ya seberapa kenceng suaranya. Maka dari itu, kemarin buru-buru beli earplug buat nutupin telinga Nduk Kecil. Pas browsing sih pilihannya ada earmuff sama earplug (cmiiw, please), menurut pemahamanku earmuff itu yang kaya bando itu, pas ditelinga ada penutup (biasanya berbulu macam di drama-drama korea gitu) nah kalo earplug tu yang dipoto ini. Lebih prefer ke earplug soalnya lebih rapet nutup telinga, trus gak ngganjel, dan Nduk Kecil  itu mulai "gatel" kalo dipakein sesuatu dikepalanya, jadi pasti ditarik-tarik gitu. Earplug-nya nyaman-nyaman aja dipake, terbukti Nduk Kecil sama sekali gak keganggu tidurnya pas dipakein. Bentuknya kaya tanah liat, jadi bisa dibentuk sesuai lubang telinga bayi.

Suhu bioskop yang dingin yang sering bikin penonton kebelet pipis tapi kebanyakan ditahan sampe film abis ini juga harus diperhatikan. Jadilah kemarin Nduk Kecil dibungkus jaket rapet, kepala ditutupin, pokoknya dibikin anget biar gak kedinginan. Tapi jangan terlalu kenceng ato ketat nanti bayinya sesek susah nafas, ngeri deh pokoknya kalo baca soal SIDS pada bayi. Apa itu SIDS? Googling gih 😌

Minuman ato cemilan harus berada dalam jangkauan. Buat busui 2 jam gak minum itu bikin tenggorokan kering kerontang, maka dari itu minuman harus sedekat mungkin dan letakkan di bagian dimana tangan kita bisa menjangkau dengan bebas. Jadi pas film berlangsung tinggal ambil gak perlu towel-towel kanan kiri cuma mau minta tolong ngambilin minum. Kalo mau ngemil ya dibuka dulu sebelum film mulai, jadi tinggal ambil aja. Pokoknya bikin sesimpel mungkin. *kecuali kalo kanan kirimu mau ngeladenin kamu selama nonton lho yaak*

Tempat duduk, pilih yang dipinggir deket sama jalan keluar. Kalo bayi rewel trus mau keluar biar gampang, kalo ambil seat ditengah... Gak kebayang deh harus berapa kali bilang "misi" ato "maaf" sambil bungkuk-bungkuk gendong bayi belum lagi dapet grundelan dari orang-orang...  kita aja pengen nyaman kan, maka hargai juga kenyamanan orang lain ^_^b

Bawa saputangan ato apron menyusui. Kemarin sih Nduk Kecil pules selama film berlangsung, cuma kebangun kalo ada suara yg ngagetin sampe nembus earplug,  nah pas kebangun pasti nyari nenen. Inget, di bioskop banyak orang ya... Buat busui yg gak bawa asip ato sufor dibotol macem saya penting banget bawa penutup biar PD gak terbuka untuk umum 🙊

Bantal kecil. Berfungsi banget ini buat nyangga kepala bayi biar lengan gak pegel. 2 jam dengan posisi gendong ato mangku bayi dan lengan menyangga kepala bayi bisa-bisa lengan mati rasa pas film kelar 😌

Kayanya rempong banget ya? Kalo bawa bayi apa sih yang gak rempong coba? 😂 buat aku sih yang penting bayi nyaman ibu tenang. Walopun kemarin gak terlalu bisa menikmati film (mungkin karena pengalaman pertama jadi bawaannya deg-degan takut bayi rewel trus ganggu penonton lain), dan lebih banyak merhatiin bayi. Trus juga kondisi badan udah capek seharian gak ada istirahat, jadinya lelah dan ngantuk lebih mendominasi.

Yang jelas first experience berjalan lancar karena si baby pules, dan cuma kebangun sebentar trus melek lebar penasaran denger suara berisik tapi dikasih nen langsung bobo lagi. Dan kagetnya cuma beberapa kali aja pas om buruk rupa lagi ngamuk, thanks to baby earplug :*


(Repost from FB. April 2017)

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Tips Ngajak Bayi Jalan-jalan

Don't expect too much if you don't want to be disappointed. Yha, bener dah ini. Foto di bawah ini semacam before after dari the most blunder vacation of the year 😅 pas berangkat sih seger, rapi jali, klimis dan bersinar. Pas udah nyampe brubah drastis jadi kucel, mbladus, mawut dan suram. Baru ini ngalamin vekesyen yang niatnya buat refreshing tapi jatuhnya malah stressing 😩

Katanya sih, jalan2 kalo bawa bayi tu namanya berpindah tempat bukannya piknik. Hahaa, maklumlah emak2 newbie ya gini...belum paham gimana rempongnya piknik sama bayik. But experience is the best teacher yekaan... Dari kejadian blunder kemarin jadi aware besok2 kalo mau plesir harus memperhatikan beberapa poin penting:

1. Durasi perjalanan dan jarak. 
Buat aku ini penting, skarang baby bakwan udah mulai usil. Banget. Kalo pas tidur sih aman, tapi kalo lagi melek beneran bikin lelah. Makanya gak lagi2 deh piknik kejauhan, kelamaan di mobil sama bayi yang mulai krenyilan itu sungguh uncool 😌

2. Medan perjalanan 
Ini juga penting. Biasanya baby bakwan anteng kalo diajak pergi2, paling banter ya usreg mau ngambil apa aja yg ada didepan dia. Giliran kemarin di jalanan yang terlalu banyak tikungan, si baby mabok 😢 ah, kamu emang beneran anak ibuk... Kita sama2 ndak suka sama tikung menikung, apalagi yang terlalu banyak gitu. Gak asik kali mau piknik tapi anak sama ibu mabok semua 😷

3. Destinasi
Ada sih rencana ngajak anak camping ceria di gunung, yatapi gak sekarang juga kalik. Apalah daya kmarin diajak main ke tempat dingin (ato ngepasi lagi dingin), jadilah si baby dibuntel selimut kemana-mana. Duh nak... Destinasi harus benar2 acceptable buat bayi, udah gabisa kayak dulu yang waton mangkat modal nekat 😌

4. Berangkat pagi
Kalo yg ini sih kemarin udah, cuma ada yg khilaf mampir beli jajan sampe hampir sejam 😩 Kenapa berangkat pagi? Soalnya bawa bayi itu unpredictable banget, sapa tau ada apa2 dijalan dan mengharuskan brenti dulu (misalnya mabok trus muntah kaya pengalaman kemarin, ato si bayi ada hasrat alami yang tidak tertahankan). Coba kalo berangkat siang, ketambahan brenti2, nyampe tkp kesorean, masih harus balik lagi ke rumah... Hish, bayanginnya udah males 🙈

Next vacation must be better. No more blunder! Mending deket2 aja tapi dapet refresh feeling nya daripada harus ke sana-sana tapi malah bikin nambah stress 😁

(Repost from FB, my baby's first trip on February 12th 2017)

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Chilling out in Taman Sari

This is another late post from my trip in 2015. So long ago, but I still wanna share it here. The visit to Taman Sari was the next day after I hiked Nglanggeran Mountain in Gunung Kidul. Taman Sari is also known as Water Castle. The entrance ticket wasn't expensive, more or less about IDR. 10.000.-/ person (remember, it was 3 years ago).
This is the entrance to the pools

Pardon my absurd pose
This place is landmark of Jogja, that was the reason why we decided to visit it. We just planned to wander around the area, but we were lucky because the visitors near us rented a local guide and we could overheard the history of Taman Sari. For free, lol. It is said that long time ago it used to be a place for bathing (maybe this is the reason why Taman Sari is also known as Water Castle) and chilling out, the wives of the King (well I didn't really know the title so I just use the word King) would gather in this place and took some rest or took a bath in the pool. Near the pools, there were many rooms, and the guide said the King used to take a nap there. I could see under the bed there was a space and the guide explained that it was used to put burning log so the King could feel the warmth while He was sleeping. I didn't know why, but I had a scary imagination when I heard it, hehee...

The view of the pool

The window from the outside 

The window from the inside 

I was standing in the bedroom.
Behind me, you can see the bed and the holes under the bed was used to place the burning log
Let's go to the upstairs 

"Come here and take my hand" he said.
This is behind the main gate of Water Castle. 
Around the pools, there are many good spots here. The Japanese and Portuguese style building make Taman Sari looks so unique and wonderful. No wonder many couples used this place to take their pre wedding photos. We continued to wander around and met the street musician who sang and played the instruments very well. Then a gulali (some kind of sweet) vendor who could make many good shape using the gulali
Don't forget to give them some money to appreciate their performance 

Gulali, wanna try? 

I got a heart shaped gulali with cute initial of my hubby's  name

But I ended eating the flower shaped one, HaHa

One of the most favorite spots to take a pre wedding photo

After we had done with the gulali we decided to go because we had to prepare to go back to Semarang. We arrived in Semarang at night, almost midnight, but we felt satisfied and happy. Thanks Jogja. 

Taman Sari, February 2nd 2015

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Update: My 10 Steps Skincare Routine

Hellooow... Finally bisa juga bikin review  setelah sebulan lamanya nyoba skincare routine yang rempong bin ribet sebagai update dari curhatan geje yang telah lalu. Gak usah berlama-lama langsung sajaah...

Kesan pertama setelah mencoba rutinitas pagi dan malam yang pada awalnya cukup rempong namun membahagiakan pada akhirnya ini adalah: I'm definitely gonna keep doing the routine. Kenapa? Ya karena dampak positifnya kerasa sekali setelah berjuang keras pagi dan malam pake skincare segambreng. Every single day for a month. Eh, enggak ding, pernah bolong sekali pas bener-bener lagi capek jiwa raga, maklum lah emak-emak life itu cukup keras dan sedikit kejam, eh malah ngelantur. Back to topic. Jadi efeknya tuh baru kerasa setelah 2 mingguan, dimana muka jadi lebih cerah, kenyal, terhidrasi dan enak diliat walopun gak lagi pake make up jadi semacam tekstur muka tu jadi bagus gitu. Serius. Jadi seneng aja gitu tiap ngaca, hehe...

And these are my favorite products after using them regularly for a month... 

Sheet Mask
No words can describe how I love it so much. Lebay ya? Tapi emang beneran deh ini masker lembaran enak banget dipake. After effect-nya juga ciamik. Hydrating ability nya juarak! Sebagai pemilik kulit normal cenderung kering produk yang bisa melembapkan itu adalah anugerah *halah. Dalam sebulan ini udah berkali-kali repurchase sheet mask saking khawatirnya kalo kehabisan. Udah beberapa brand sheet mask yang aku coba dan semuanya enak dipake. Pertama kalo dulu pernah coba Natureby, sekali beli langsung banyak varian. Tapi karena belum kenal step-step skincare routine jadi pakenya seenak jidat, muka gak dibersihin ato dipakein toner dulu.  Yang didapet cuma efek adem doang haha. Yang aku coba barengan sama skincare routine tu Innisfree, ini mask nya enak dipake, wanginya enak banget dan hampir selalu ada sisa essence (ato serum?) di kemasannya, jadi bisa dituang terus ditepuk-tepuk ke sheet mask nya. Berasa lebih puas aja gitu. Varian favorit ku dari brand ini yang aloe vera sama rose. Kalo Nature Republic yang juara tu varian olive, kulit jadi lembap sampe pagi (aku pake sheet mask malem, kadang sampe kebawa tidur sampe agak kering gitu pas dilepas). Kalo NatRep ini gak ada sisa air essence (ato serum?), dan lembaran maskernya lebih tebel dari Innisfree ato Natureby. Yang terakhir dari brand The Saem. Ketebalannya hampir sama kaya Nat Rep, cuma air essence (ato serum?) nya banyak banget, sampe bingung udah diusap ke muka, tangan, kaki masih netes terus tiap dituang. Yang paling aku suka dari brand ini tuh setelah dilepas gitu muka gak basah banget, jadi kayak essence ato serumnya terserap sempurna ke muka. Gak ada yang nempel sampe ke bantal juga. Love deh sama sheet mask The Saem (secara harganya hampir dua kali lipat daripada yang lain sih).

Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask
Udah jatuh cinta banget sama produk ini, sampe tabungan khusus buat beli full size nya pun udah direncanakan. Top dah, bikin bibir lembap, gak item dan kenyal. But beware, produk ini udah ada KW nya, jadi harus extra hati-hati jangan sampe salah beli. Karena banyak olshop yang ngasih harga murah tapi kita gatau originality nya. Makanya udah rencana nabung dari sekarang biar bisa beli langsung di official olshop nya Laneige. Emang lebih mahal sih, tapi keaslian dijamin kan. Daripada menyesal kemudian kan.

Laneige Water Sleeping Mask
Walopun sempet kecewa buta pas awal pake, dimana gak ada perubahan signifikan (kemakan iklan banget nih, maunya sekali pake langsung bening kaya kulitnya Mba Hye Kyo). Tapi efeknya baru kerasa setelah rutin dipake, kan aku pakenya 2-3 kali seminggu jadi tiap habis pake paginya tu kulit jadi alus kenyal gitu. Trus gak kering juga. Suka deh. Sekarang masih indent tabungannya buat beli yang full size. Dan sedihnya produk ini juga sudah ada KW nya bahkan yang full size loh (T_T)

Nacific Real Floral Toner (Rose) 
Sekarang aku sadar betapa pentingnya toner dalam per-skincare-an. Karena produk yang kita pakai gak terserap maksimal tanpa toner. Dan toner yang ini aku suka banget karena gak bikin kulit kering, wangi rose nya seger dan isinya banyak haha. Awal pake aku tuang ke tangan langsung tepuk-tepukin ke muka, tapi sekarang selalu pake kapas. Gatau kenapa rasanya lebih enak aja gitu kalo pake kapas.

Pixy Eye & Lip Makeup Remover
Ini andalan banget buat bersihin makeup. Gak greasy, gak lengket tapi ampuh bersihin makeup waterproof. Love it so much!

Nah itu dia yang jadi juara terfavorit. Eh ada lagi Nat Rep aloe vera shooting gel, ini sih udah pasti karena efek hydrating nya. Kalo serum sama essence Nacific tu sebenernya suka juga cuman sejauh ini gak terlalu ngasih benefit yang cukup signifikan ke muka. Jadi ya B aja gitu. Next time pingin ganti sama produk lain, sekarang fokus nabung dulu deh. Produk skincare yang bagus yang aku cintai itu harganya bikin terharu soalnya.

Ok, udah cukup puanjang sharing kali ini jadi aku cukupkan sampai di sini dulu. See you in my next article ^_^v

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The Story of My 10 Steps Skincare Routine

“Taking care of your skin is one of the ways how to love yourself. And for me, good looking and healthy skin can be the booster to make my day.”
(Rega, 2018)

It's a little bit shocking when I gather my skincare collection and realize I use all of them! 

At the first time when I found out about 10 steps skincare routine, my reaction be like “what the… do I even have time to do all those steps?!” Yea, 10 steps, I usually only use facial wash – moisturizer – face powder – lipstick that’s all. But, 10 steps? Like, Seriously?? But wait girls, I found out that there are so many people doing these super duper busy ritual. When I browsed about it in the internet I found soooo many reviews from beauty bloggers and women who have tried these steps. Actually this routine is very popular in South Korea. As a k-drama lover, yes I often see in the drama that they do really care about their skin so much. When there is a bed-room-with-dressing table scene or bathroom scene I always find there are so many products of skincare (I know they are from the sponsor, but it shows that skincare is an important part of them). And the rumor said that Koreans have given the great attention to their skin since they are young. No wonder they skin look so flawless and glowing (aside from the plastic surgery rumor).

Why do I finally want to give it a try? First, because I know I am aging and I have to give serious attention to my skin before it’s too late. And last time I took a look to my selfie I found some wrinkles under my eyes. Oh God! You aren't able to fool your age! Second, I 100% realize that I don’t have a pretty face so at least I could brag about my healthy skin, LOL. Third, after searching here and there I found that taking care of my skin (especially my face) is very important thing to do (especially for a woman,  face is an asset). So here I am, I challenge myself to do those 10 steps skincare routine to (hopefully) create the better version of my skin. Actually, after spending my time searching in the internet I find many versions of this routine, so I pick the best for me and adjust it to my skincare collection (So if you want to give a try too, do not hesitate to find the best and the fittest routine for your skin). And here is my very first experience about the ritual and the products I use (I also give the details where I got them and the prices too), so check this one out…

These babies can wake you up earlier :D

1. Facial Wash

Washing my face every morning has become my daily routine so this one is not something new for me. Facial wash or facial foam can be used to clean our skin from the dirt or to remove the residue of the skincare routine from the night before. I usually use Brightening Cleanser by Jafra since I am in love with its cleanser products. Back then I rarely used cleanser or facial foam because it always made my skin drier (FYI, my skin is normal-to dry). So I stopped using it until I tried cleanser from Jafra, and I never have my dry skin after cleansing anymore. For the very first time I used Jafra Advanced Dynamic Balancing Cleanser for normal combination skin and I replaced it with Hydrating Cleanser for dry skin (both of them worked well on my skin, I love it) and now I upgrade it to the brightening series and I still have no problem of dryness, yeay! However I plan to replace it with the Royal Jelly Gentle Cleansing Milk because the review of it is very impressive. So stay tune for the update!
Hopefully this is better than the former cleanser 

((Jafra Brightening Cleanser))
WHERE TO BUY: Jafra Beauty Corner
PRICE: IDR. 154.000,-
((Jafra Royal Jelly Gentle Cleansing Milk))
WHERE TO BUY: Jafra Beauty Corner
PRICE: IDR. 272.000,-

2. Exfoliating

Because exfoliating is a good thing to do to remove the dead skin and dirt, I do it at least once a week, so I am still OK with this step. I use Gentle Exfoliating Scrub from Jafra. Again, I fell in love with this product since the first time I used it. It doesn’t make my skin dry, doesn’t irritate my skin and the thing I love the most is the after effect: my skin getting smoother after washing it with water. So I decide to keep using this one for exfoliating and I just do it 1-2 times a week. Do not exfoliate too often especially for sensitive skin because it can irritate your skin, and for normal combination skin it can make your skin thinner and transparent just like a jelly fish, LOL.

((Jafra Gentle Exfoliating Scrub))
WHERE TO BUY: Jafra Beauty Corner
PRICE: IDR. 165.000,-

3. Pore Pack

Actually this step is just my creation to replace the exfoliating toner or exfoliating cream step. I also do this every week after scrubbing to clean the black head and white head which annoyingly stay on my nose. And this one is really helpful for me so I include it in my skincare routine. However this step is a little bit painful when I have to remove the pore pack from my nose. Maybe I will try the special mask to remove black head and white head someday, if my saving has been enough to buy it, HAHA. FYI, use this pore pack 1-2 times a week.

WHERE TO BUY: You can find it almost in every mini market
PRICE: IDR. 15.000,- to IDR. 17.000,-

4. Mask

After exfoliating your porep are open because of the scrubbing activity, so do not forget to use the mask to close them and refresh your skin. Just like the two steps before, this one is my routine every week. My favorite mask is Mudmask from Jafra (and actually I am planning to try some clay mask products from Korea). Well, this one is good for oily skin but so far I have no problem with this mask. I like it because it helps me a lot in cleaning the black and white head on my nose. Together with scrub and pore pack, I use this mask 1-2 times a week.

((Jafra Mudmask))
WHERE TO BUY: Jafra Beauty Corner
PRICE: IDR. 389.000,-

5. Toner

I used to think that toner has no function at all, that’s why I did not use it in my daily skincare routine. But I was totally wrong, it is said by beauty blogger and expert that toner can prepare your skin to absorb the next skincare you use. It means that your skincare will be absorbed better with toner, and if you do not use toner your skincare will not be absorbed really well by your skin. It's such a waste, right? So this is me, decided with no hesitation to use toner again as my daily skincare routine. I use Nacific Real Floral Toner Rose, it's a product from South Korea. It’s like a gambling when I purchased this toner, because toner always make skin dry (maybe because the alcohol content). I read the reviews (a lot) of it and I thought this one is good for me. And I was right! Yeay! For the first time, indeed, I felt a lil bit dry but now (I have used it for a couple days) it moisturizes my skin well even when I apply it in two layers. So far, yes, I love this toner. The rose scent is also refreshing and I like the petals inside the bottle. So cute!

((Nacific Real Floral Toner Rose))
WHERE TO BUY: Shopee.id
PRICE: ±IDR. 164.900,- (lucky me there was sale for this product, so the actual price might be more expensive)

6. Essence

Some say this is the heart of Korean skincare. I don’t know whether it is right or not. I never used essence before, I even didn’t know this product is exist, LOL. After doing the long research (again) my choice is Nacific Phyto Niacin Whitening Essence, (and again) a South Korean product. Why did I choose whitening essence? Because I think that my skin looks a ‘lil bit dull. Maybe next time I will find the firming essence (forever young goals). So if you want to try essence just try to find the product that fit with what your skin needs the most. So far, after several days using this I haven’t found significant difference or improvement, I felt a little bit tingling for the first time (it’s bearable) but now I feel nothing, so I just keep using it and wait for the result after at least a month.

((Nacific Phyto Niacin Whitening Essence))
WHERE TO BUY: Shopee.id
PRICE: ±IDR. 152.900,- (this one was also  discount product, so I guess the price might be more expensive)

7. Serum

It is said that serum contains the highest active concentrate. The use of this product depends on what your skin needs, it can be anti aging, anti acne, or whitening. Mine is Nacific Fresh Herb Origin Serum, I don’t really know why I choose this one hehee… but the reviews are mostly good about this product, so I just try it because I used to use Royal Jelly Lift Concentrate from Jafra. It was good, really good at the first time, second time but not the third. There was spot under my eye which was very itchy after the third use and it turned to be a white spot. I think this was pigmentation, well I didn’t really know but it was really annoying since it happened on important day, huft. So I decided to stop using it and haven’t found new good serum since then. So yes, I am in my "trial and error" period now. Hopefully this “damn” serum will become my holy grail (it’s called as damn serum because some say they feel tingling sensation when they apply it, the more problems your skin has, the more painful the tingling sensation will be). But I didn’t feel the tingling sensation at all. I don’t know, maybe my skin has already in healthy state? Or it has no problem? Who knows...

((Nacific Fresh Herb Origin Serum))
WHERE TO BUY: Shopee.id
PRICE: ±IDR. 152.900,- (again, it was sale when I purchased this)

8. Eye Cream

Once I used eye cream because I have endless fight with dark circle, I used the product from Oriflame but I forget the name. I stopped using it because it gave me nothing. Then I decided to use it again because eyes’ skin is thinner and smoother so it needs special treatment. I usually use Daily Eye Treat SPF 15 Moisturizer by Jafra. To see the result of this product I have to be patient, because it really takes time. Well, good things take time, right? I use it for more than 2 months and under my eyes look a little bit brighter. Every time I apply this cream under my eyes I feel the cooling sensation which I like the most from this product. But sorry to say, my dark circle always comes back no matter what, phew. But still, I keep using it at least to get the cooling sensation.

((Jafra Daily Eye Treat SPF 15 Moisturizer))
WHERE TO BUY: Jafra Beauty Corner
PRICE: IDR. 168.000,- (FYI, this product is no longer available)

9. Moisturizer

This one is a must item especially for those who have normal to dry skin type. I myself use moisturizer every day to keep my skin moist. Actually I have two products for moisturizing: Nature Republic Aloe Vera Shooting Gel and Jafra Brightening Lotion SPF 15. I have used the lotion for a long time, and I have repurchased it several months ago. I like this lotion because it has SPF and help to brighten my skin, but I don't really like the watery and sticky texture. Whenever I have to wear makeup I will use the Lotion because it’s absorbed quickly enough so I can continue to apply my makeup right away. But if I don’t have to wear makeup (aka just stay at home all day long just like 85% of my life), I prefer to apply Aloe Vera shooting gel as thick as I can, haha. I love this gel so much, it helps to smoothen the texture of my skin since the first use. I can say this is the most favorite skincare I have (two thumbs up). The cooling sensation, the scent, and the gel itself are good. I like everything but the packaging. But thankfully now the tube packaging is available. So this one is really recommended, no wonder too many people use this product.

((Jafra Brightening Lotion SPF 15))
WHERE TO BUY: Jafra Beauty Corner
PRICE: 180.000,-
((Nature Republic Aloe Vera Shooting Gel))
WHERE TO BUY: The Urban Bali in Mall Galeria Bali
PRICE: IDR. 125.000,-

10. Sunscreen

Last but not least, I use sun screen as the closing of my skincare routine before I start to put my makeup on. I only use sunscreen if I have to go out, but as I said before because I spend 85% of my life staying at home, so I rarely use this product. For sunscreen I use Jafra Royal Jelly Solar Protection Fluid Broad Spectrum SPF 50 (see? It is such a waste if I use it only at home)

((Jafra Royal Jelly Solar Protection Fluid Broad Spectrum SPF 50))
WHERE TO BUY: Jafra Beauty Corner
PRICE: IDR. 199.000,-

Note: When the weather is hot and my skin starts to feel dry I usually use Nature Republic Aloe Vera Shooting Gel Mist. All I have to do is just spray it to my face and it will be moisturized in no time. I recommend this product for those who have dry skin type.

((Nature Republic Aloe Vera Shooting Gel Mist))
WHERE TO BUY: The Urban Bali in Mall Galeria Bali
PRICE: IDR. 135.000,-


1. Cleansing Milk/ Micellar Water

I do this if I put my makeup on, so I have to cleanse the dirt and makeup residue from my face, but if I don’t wear any makeup I skip this step. I use Wardah Lightening Milk Cleanser and Wardah Seaweed Cleansing Micellar Water, and yes, I do the double cleansing (even triple cleansing at night, especially when there’s makeup on my face) just to make sure my face has been cleansed perfectly. Honestly I don’t really like the milk cleanser because its texture is too thick and cannot be cleared easily (next time I obviously will purchase milk cleanser from another brand), but so far I am OK with the micellar water even though I don’t really know if it works on me to cleanse the makeup residue, I haven’t tried it yet to cleanse my makeup.

((Wardah Lightening Milk Cleanser))
WHERE TO BUY: Most of Beauty Store and Minimart
PRICE: IDR. 23.000,- to 25.000,-
((Wardah Seaweed Cleansing Micellar Water))
WHERE TO BUY: Most of Beauty Store and Minimart
PRICE: IDR. 27.000,-

2. Eye and Lip Remover

Use this product to remove eye makeup and lipstick. I’ve tried remover from Maybelline but I don’t really like it because they felt too oily on me, so I was so happy when my sister told me about remover from Pixy and I like it from the first time I tried it. So I purchased it last week and always use it to remove the makeup on my eyes and lips. It’s good enough to clean waterproof eyeliner and it doesn’t make my lips dry.

WHERE TO BUY: Most of Beauty Store
PRICE: IDR. 25.000,-

3. Facial Wash
I do this step as I do in the morning routine with the same product.

4. Toner
I do this step as I do in the morning routine with the same product.

5. Essence
I do this step as I do in the morning routine with the same product.

6. Serum
I do this step as I do in the morning routine with the same product.

7. Eye Cream
I do this step as I do in the morning routine with the same product.

8. Night Cream

I still need to moisturize my skin in the night, since my skin is normal to dry type. So I use night cream from Jafra to hydrate my dry skin. I have used this cream for almost two years, and I like it because it really works on me to hydrate my skin until the next morning. It also smoothen the texture of my skin.

((Jafra Advanced Dynamics Hydrating Night Moisture))
WHERE TO BUY: Jafra Beauty Corner
PRICE: IDR. 373.000,-

9. Lip Mask

This is my first time using lip mask, and I like it. I usually have to put lip gloss too often to prevent my lips become dry, but after I use lip sleeping mask from Laneige I don’t have to do it, yeay! For the first time I felt this mask is too greasy on my lips, and the next morning my lips felt dry! But it was just my feeling, actually my lips became more hydrated when I touched them. I felt in love with this lip mask more when I found in my second use it turned my lips to be brighter (FYI, my lips sometime looks dark because of the lip cream regular use). That’s why I am planning to purchase the full size one next time (I purchased the tester btw just to make sure it really works on me).

((Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask))
WHERE TO BUY: Shopee.id
PRICE: IDR. 35.000,- to 50.000,-

10. Sleeping Mask/ Sheet Mask/ Shooting Gel

Since I knew Korean skincare, sheet mask became my favorite because it’s easy to use and give instant result. So far I have tried sheet mask from Nature Republic and Innisfree, both are good and give cooling sensation. For the result it depends on the variant. My favorites so far are Olive from NR and Rice from Innisfree, but I still want to try other variant and maybe other brands. I use sheet mask 1-2 times a week. If I run out of sheet mask I will use sleeping mask from Laneige, this is my first time trying the sleeping mask. At the first use I didn’t find any significant results on my face after using it as what has been claimed by many beauty blogger or by the brand itself. A little bit disappointed, but after use it for almost a week I feel that my skin become smooth and supple. I also use this sleeping mask 1-2 times a week. I take turns with Aloe Vera Shooting Gel (this product also can be used as sleeping mask). So in a week I use sheet mask on the first day, sleeping mask on the second day, aloe vera shooting gel on the third day and on the fourth day I use sheet mask again and so on. One thing I am sure about night mask: it is a good thing to do to keep your skin stay hydrated and you will get better skin as bonus.

((Real Nature Mask Sheet))
WHERE TO BUY: Shopee.id
PRICE: IDR. 15.000,-
((Innisfree My Real Squeeze Mask))
WHERE TO BUY: Shopee.id
PRICE: IDR. 15.000,- to 20.000,-

Ok, that’s all about my 10 steps skincare routine hopefully it can give you reference if you want to try them too. For the first time it felt too much and difficult, but I really enjoy every step now after several days (hopefully this will last forever and I will not get bored, hehe). And if you want to purchase the skincare especially Korean skincare, make sure you find the official or trusted online shop. For the best, you can purchase them directly to the official store since some brands have opened their official store in Indonesia such as Innisfree, Nature Republic and Laneige. You have to be really careful because there are fake versions of Korean skincare, and I bet the quality is worse than the original. See you again in my next update! ^_^v

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