What do you have in mind when you hear about Zombie???
Well, maybe we'll think about bloody dead body which can walk, a scary creature, or terrible thing that can attack and bite us??
Does zombie really exist in this world? The answer is YES.
Do you know about the real zombie?
Hopefully this post can give you knowledge about zombie :)
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Zombie, movie version. |
Zombie originally come and appears from Haiti in Caribbean Island. They are people who almost die, but their almost dead bodies are brought back to life and spelled by Voodoo shaman (it’s like a supernatural spell of Indian). Then, they (the zombies) are used as slaves for the rest of their ironic lives. Just like human, zombie can move, eat, hear and speak, but they don’t have a memory and self-awareness.
The legend about zombie had spread for centuries, but in 1980 a new case was found and documented. This story was begun in 1962 in Haiti. A man named Clairivius Narcisse was sold to a Voodoo shaman by his brother, because Clairivius rejected to sell his heritage, a land from his family. Then Clairivius was killed and buried. Actually he was still alive, instead, he was transformed into a zombie and he had to work in a sugar cane farm with other zombie workers. In 1964, after the zombies’ owner passed away, the zombies spread and roamed across the island in “confused” condition for more or less 16 years before they were captured.
Dr. Wade Davis an ethnobotanist from Harvard University, decided to go to Haiti to research the truth about zombie’s story, and when he arrived there he really met some Voodoo shamans who practiced to create a zombie. The important point was, make them “die” and make them “crazy”, so their mind can be controlled. The shamans often gave a kind of medicine to create zombie. They used a unique way to make them die, they used frog skin which called “bufo bufo bufo” and puffer fish (it would not make the zombie really die). The ingredient can be added to the food or rubbed on the skin, then after a few minutes, the victims would “seen” as they died with a weak breath and heart. People would know that they were die, but the one who knew about the truth (that they were still alive) was only the shaman.
Then, after they were buried, the shamans should wait for hours to dig and took the bodies (but the shaman shouldn’t wait too long to dig because they would really die if they stayed underground in a long time. So, how to make them “crazy”? They would be asked to eat a kind of pasta which made of datura (jimsons grass). This grass could cut the connection between mind and reality, and then destroyed all of the memories. After consumed it, they felt confused, they didn’t know about the date and day, where they were, even they didn’t know who they were. Then they were sold to the sugar cane farm as slaves. They would be given datura when their feeling came back again. So, the fact is zombie is not a monster who attack human like in the movies, the real zombie is like what explained above.
How about the chemical-analyze of that zombie creation?
How about the chemical-analyze of that zombie creation?
The Voodoo shamans used frog skin (bufo) and puffer fish to transform someone into a zombie. The frog skin “bufo bufo bufo” is so dangerous, it contains some toxic chemical elements such as biogenetic amina, bufogenin, and bufotoxin. In Japan, puffer fish well known as Fugu fish (fugu is one of lethal Asian foods). The poison called “tetrodotoxin”, it’s a lethal poison. In Japan, there are so many people who died after consumed this fish, the poison can reduce blood pressure and body temperature so fast, and can cause coma.
Therefore datura is a kind of jimson grass (Brugmansia candida), this plant contains chemical element, atropine, hyoschiamin, and schopolamin. If we eat it we’ll lose our memories, even we’ll die if we eat it in a large number. The one who create zombie must be competent enough, and he must know to predict the dosage for the zombie, so the zombie will not really die.
After know the fact about zombie, should we scare to this creature?? Well it’s up to you guys :)
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