Jumat, 19 Desember 2014

I Love Beach!

Long time ago, I ever shared about the beautiful beaches in Gunung Kidul - Yogyakarta. This time I wanna show my experience off when I visited some of those beaches. Honestly, the real beach is better than I can see in the picture. Even though I visited them long time ago, but the good thing is not good if it is not shared, right?

The first beach, of course my favorite one: Krakal Beach. This beach has been visited by me more than three times, I don't know why every time I missed the beach I always came here. This place is so lovely and so quiet (but maybe this time Krakal is more crowded than that time).
Enjoyed the sunset in the afternoon (Krakal Beach)
The receded water allowed us to see the corals
(FYI, behind him is Sadranan Beach and Ngandong Beach)
Krakal in the next morning (taken from the hut near the beach)
The second beach was Drini Beach. This also has amazing view, but a lil' bit crowded. There I could find different spot of the beach, was a good place to take a walk with the beloved one and had a nice conversation to refresh my mind.

Welcome to Drini :)
Let's go to that little "island" 

Wet wet wet :D

Playin' around
The shadow of ours :)
The third was Sepanjang Beach. The name of this beach reflect the beach itself (panjang means long), unlike Drini that has some spots or Krakal with its big reef, Sepanjang just a long beach with relatively low waves. It is good for beginner to surf there. There is no motel there, this beach is totally desolate and lonely. I just met with some people, some just passed through the beach. However, the track to reach this beach is a lil' bit terrible (maybe because this beach has not been visited by many people). But I bet, sooner or later this beach would be exposed and many people would go there.

This is the view along Sepanjang Beach
The last beach was the most crowded: Kukup Beach. Indeed, this beach has so many motels, restaurants, souvenir shops and toilet. I had to walk about 100-200 meters from parking lot to the beach. Phew... the beach is good and pretty nice but I didn't like the crowd. 
Well, this what I mean by crowded!
The more improvement, the more people will come. That's the rule.
In short, those beaches are recommended. The long and tiring journey from Yogyakarta to get there is worthy to be replaced by their beautiful landscape. Next time I surely wanna go there again, hopefully those heavenly places do not turn into the sea of human, LOL.


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